"Nobody understands that "life happens," better than me." I should have graduated college years ago. However, life happened. I was just getting out of relationship that could have cost me my life. A month later my oldest son was arrested, sent to prison. I quit school. I could barely function. I was a walking zombie. I got up every morning and did the usual. Take the kids to school, went to work (crying in the bathroom and my car the whole time) and came home.
I started over in 2013 and I was determined that I was going to finish what I started. Again, life happened. My mother passed away in 2014. I didn't quit, but I slowed down. Taking only one class and barely passing that. That was the most devasting thing in my life. I still struggle with it. Its now 2017 and I have picked up more classes and I am due to graduate next year. Understand that Im skimming the story. Not looking for any sympathy. I said all that to say this: life happens, you may stumble, you fall, take the time that you need to heal, but get back up, dust yourself off and finish what you started.